Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yummy Vegan Dip or Sandwich Spread

Yes, believe it or not, I'm back.

I am trying to eat mostly vegan now - for a number of reasons, so my recipes may reflect my new attempts at creating vegan delicacies.

So I have some cut up vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and carrots - and I've discovered that I like all of them, but am not terribly fond of the broccoli (raw at least). I seem to remember I used to like broccoli raw, but it's just not tripping my trigger right now. So I thought, what am I going to do with all this broccoli?

I got some very yummy 8-grain bread (which is probably not vegan, but I bought it before I was serious...), and wanted a sandwich - so I decided to make a sandwich spread. Now I've made sandwich spread with pinto beans or kidney beans in the past - going for a chili/taco kind of flavor - so I thought something similar to this might be a good way to get rid of my broccoli.

So I took a good handful of broccoli florets and threw them in the food processor. Then I added a can of butter beans (thought maybe their mild flavor would mix better with the broccoli) and processed them to death. Or at least til it was smooth consistency.

I tried it - and it tasted like broccoli and butter beans.

That's NOT what I was going for, but I must admit, I wasn't too surprised.

So I went back to the pantry and looked for something that was low/no-fat, low-calorie, and strong flavor to hide the broccoli taste (yes, I am a child...). Then I saw the can of sauerkraut! Perfect, I thought! I love sauerkraut, and I love it on sandwiches - like reubens, etc. So this should definitely cover the broccoli flavor.

So I dumped in the can and processed again. It's surprisingly delicious - if you like sauerkraut, I suppose. My husband tried it on a couple crackers and really liked it.

I toasted up a piece of that 8-grain bread and spread 1/4 c of my concoction on top. It was delicious! I look forward to lunch tomorrow! Maybe I'll eat it with tomato slices! Mmmmm!

Tastes better than it looks - AND - tastes better than it smells.
The sauerkraut smell is strong, but not as strong of a taste.
Broccoli Butter Bean Sauerkraut sandwich spread

  • 1 large handful broccoli florets (1.5 c??)
  • 1 can butter beans (1 4/5 c.)
  • 1 can sauerkraut (408 g)
Blend ingredients in food processor until thoroughly mixed and desired consistency. 

Serving size 1/4 c. 
Makes about 24 servings

Per serving:
  • Calories - 21
  • Fat - 0
  • Cholesterol - 0
  • Protein - 1
  • Sodium - 170
  • Calcium - 1